Provincial Funding for Livestock Tag Reader

BC Livestock Tag Reader Rebate

The Traceability Adoption Program includes a Livestock Tag Reader Rebate sub-program which offers a rebate to livestock operators who purchase and install approved tag readers. We can help you with any questions regarding products that qualify for funding or how a livestock tag reader can help them and their operation! Please email for more information. 

Available funding

The maximum annual funding per Eligible Participant is $3,500.

Participants are eligible for 70% of project costs, up to the maximum funding level. Participants may apply for funding each year for new eligible activities only. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Eligible participants

Eligible participants are required to:

  • have a business registration number
  • constitute a legal entity
  • have an active GST number and file business/farm income taxes in B.C.
  • be registered in the Premises Identification Program. Registration can happen simultaneously with the application.

Eligible activities

  • Purchase and installation of livestock tag readers
  • Purchase and installation of traceability software that is compatible with the tag readers
  • Staff training by a vendor to implement tag readers

How to apply

Download the application form.

We can help you with any questions regarding products that qualify for funding or how a livestock tag reader can help them and their operation! Please email for more information.