ShearForce Post King Hammer
ShearForce Post King Hammers are a powerful alternative to conventional vibratory post pounders. These units are ideal for driving fence posts, steel tube and timber. The Post King is constructed of high quality, heavy gauge steel to provide long term durability. This easy-to-use post driver universally attaches to most skid loaders or excavators with machine specific mount.
- Great for agriculture, ranching, vineyards, and utility installation.
- Cupped driving head ensures centered and balanced driving.
- Low profile for improved visibility.
- Very low maintenance, only one grease fitting, and two moving parts.
- Unique design allows for driving posts in tight quarters and maximizes reach.
- 3 models to fit 1,200 – 2,500 lb skid steers or excavator carriers.
- Models from 400 to 1000 ft. lb. impact class
- Fully rebuildable powercell for years of service and long hammer life.
- Standard 1 year limited warranty
- All models in stock and ready for fast delivery across Canada.
ShearForce 400 Post King H53PK Post Driver
- To fit 2-6 ton excavators
- 1,200 lbs. minimum skid steer lifting capacity
- 400ft. lb. impact energy class
- H53PK is the standard for a 35 size excavator or smaller skid steer.
- Includes universal skid steer mount and jump lines with flat faced couplers
- Complete with 6" Diameter Cup, hammer lube, and tool kit
ShearForce 750 Post King H68PK Post Driver
- To fit 4-8 ton excavators
- 1,500 lbs. minimum skid steer lifting capacity
- 750 ft. lb. impact energy class
- Includes universal skid steer mount and jump lines with flat faced couplers
- Complete with 7" Diameter Cup, hammer lube, and tool kit
ShearForce 1150 Post King H75PK Post Driver
- To fit 5-13 ton excavators
- 2,500 lbs. minimum skid steer lifting capacity
- 1,150 ft. lb. impact energy class
- Includes universal skid steer mount and jump lines with flat faced couplers
- Complete with 8" Diameter Cup, hammer lube, and tool kit
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